Orðkar Session 12 - Escape from the Little Island
11 Sep 2022
- Steve “Mauxracle” - 1/2 Elf Cleric
- Joe “Brival” - Elf Rogue
- John “Nox” - Elf Warlock
- Ron “Grisnak the Gud" - 1/2 Orc Paladin
- Craig “Malachar” - Human Ranger
Current State
- The party have rescued Father Rolofo
- They have defeated everyone in Keep, except the Orc Chief who they have subdued
Father Rodolfo's Story
- Dragons, and the Draconics (Human / Dragon crosses) are emissaries of The Unnamed God
- TUG was defeated almost a thousand years ago by The Great Old Ones, and banished from the Prime Material Plane
- The battle between TGOOs and TUGs destroyed huge portions of Orðkar, changing the land forever. Seas were sunk (literally), mountains raised, thousands died, languages changed so on and so forth
- He (or rather Brother Keefe) hired the party to investigate suspected draconic activity under the Valhingen Graveyard. He heard rumours of the deeper dungeon, but thought that was sealed off forever.
- He was being held here until someone from the New Council came to "extract" more information - which he is expecting to happen soon
Game Play
- The session starts at the Tower
- They killed all the Orcs, except for the Boss who they have taken prisoner
- They have recovered Father Rodolfo, who was held prisoner there
- They attempt to question the Orc Boss
- He tells them nothing, and in fact laughs at them even after Brival breaks his little fingers
- Father Rodolfo tells them
- (See the story)
- He expects more of the Orcs and people from the New Council to come torture him soon
- In the basement, they find a grey rectangular box the emanates magic
- The party overnights at the Tower
- They wait on the roof
- They notices that something is overflying the Tower
- The look for the Fisherman to come rescue them
- Offshore, something is keeping boats from approaching the island
- The party decides to make their way to the boat
- They work their way back the way they came
- When they get their, the boat is destroyed
- They decide to take the Orc boats back across the bay by themselves
A Gargoyle Crashes The Party
- About a quarter way across the bay, a Gargoyle dive bombs the boat
- The party wins initiative
- Grisnak grabs the Gargoyle
- The rest of the party strike it, all succeeding and killing it
- The Gargoyle crashes through the bottom of the bottom of the boat
- Grisnak is almost dragged through with him, but manages to let go
- It is jammed into the hole it has made, stopping the water from sinking the boat
- They need everyone to bail, and allow only for one rower, to stop from sinking but the pace is very slow
- In the distance, they hear drumming and see two war canoes coming toward them; however, they are a fair distance away
- They hail a friendly fisherman who rescues them and brings them to shore
Battle Against the Water Orcs
- On shore, they are joined by 5 other fishermen who have left the water; all are armed with short bows
- The first canoe approaches
- At 300 feet the party lets go with arrows and cantrips
- At 150 they kill the leader Orog, and the boat halts and attempts to flee
- The second canoe approaches and much the same thing happens