6 April 2023
After 10 days, nothing new turns up from the church or the contacts - normalcy has returned to Holoðton.
However, the party learns throw Brival’s thief contacts that something interesting may be happening - a little used warehouse near the Chelfar River is being used to smuggle something into the city.
The party does some recognizing, find a warehouse with barred doors and shuttered windows. Nox sends Impy in through a window overlooking the river and they learn that there are a number of boxes (3 small, 1 medium) that have been recently stored, and that the doors are all barred from the inside.
The party decides to come back at night - 1am - to investigate.
Brival attempt to pick the lock to the door on the dock-side. The picking works but the door is barred by something solid and heavy.
Instead, the party uses Impy to fly through the river-side window, secure a rope inside the building and then the party will climb the rope - carefully, one at a time.
Malachar and Nox make it when from across the room they see glowing red armoured figures coming to attack them. One of them come sup the stairs and engages Malachar one on one - the other hangs back at the bottom of the stairs.
Nox tries Burning Hands and throwing daggers, but the creature backs up out of close range.
Brival makes it into the warehouse and jumps off the platform to the lower level to engage the other creature.
Meanwhile, Gishnak attempts to open the dock-side door using brute strength, and is quickly joined by Mothy.
Their strength combined, Grishnak and Mothy join the fray. Grishnak first goes to help Malachar - but not in time, as the Ranger deals the killing blow to the creature. He rejoins Mothy and Brival to attack the remaining animated armour.
Just as Mauxracle makes it into the warehouse, the remaining creature is defeated.
The party explores the warehouse and finds the 3 smaller boxes and one big box. The big box is not overly heavy, but very awkwardly sized. Mothy and Malachar grab either side of the box, while Mothy, Mauricle and Brival grab one of the smaller boxes each.
As they collect the loot, a city guard sticks his head in (attracted by the noise of kicking in the side door), sees what is happening and blows a whistle to summon more guards.]
Nox turns invisible, the rest of the party flees through the front door.
Four City Guard members stop the party in the street - Mothy and Grisnak with the big box, and Malachar and Brival engage; while Mauxracle and Nox flee with two boxes.
Mothy and Malachar attempt to talk their way out the situation, and then Mothy decides to get slightly more physical - taking a swing at a Guard, but missing. More guards arrived and they are marched up the hill to Castle Vlag.
As they enter the courtyard, they suddenly fall asleep and awake in the dungeons. Nox has followed invisibly into the castle, but finds himself locked inside with his Invisibility spell soon to wear off. He finds a place to hide, and escapes with the normal quotidian crowds in the morning. The three prisoners protest, but spend all of the next day and night in prison.
Meanwhile, Father Rodolfo - recovered from his coma - comes and visits Nox and Mauxracle at their accommodations. Nox feebly attempts to double talk his way out of it, but they end up giving up their two boxes (which contained limbs).
The next morning, Mothy, Malachar and Brival are released from prison and kicked out the castle, less a fine to Mothy for swinging at a guard.